Join our project

With the generous donations from our community we have managed to send shipments to our service members for over 10 years now. Your generous, tax deductible donation will go directly toward fulfilling shipments throughout the year as well as our MEGA shipment. We ship over 10,000 cookies annually and strive to fulfill as many requests as we can throughout the year.


Per Year


100 Cookies Shipped

100 Thank You Cards


Per Year


200 Cookies Shipped

200 Thank You Cards


Per Year


500 Cookies Shipped

500 Thank You Cards

Q: How much does a MEGA shipment cost?

Each MEGA shipment costs $10,000. Each cookie including shipping costs $2.

Q: What will my donation go to?

All donations will be directly put toward paying for the making of our chocolate chip cookies, shipping costs and supplies.

Q: Will I receive a donation receipt ?

Upon request all donation receipts will be processed to the recipient. All donations are tax deductible.
