Golf Tournament to Benefit Grammy’s Cookie Convoy
A short conversation with a soldier about to deploy to Iraq was just the beginning of Marlene Summers’ grand plan to support the heroes serving our nation overseas. Her humble idea to provide words of encouragement and a taste of home to a few soldiers was such a rousing success that she soon needed help meeting the requests for more.“I couldn’t do any of this without the help of the volunteers who spend time writing notes, packing cookies and raising funds to continue sending our “Chocolate Chip Hugs” to our troops,” said Summers, founder of Grammy’s Cookie Convoy.
KTRH 740 News Radio
What have you done for the troops lately? Monday March 15, 2010 on Houston’s Morning News Radio KTRH 740, the news cast talked to one local woman about her ‘cookies for troops’ organization.Marlene Summers will inspire you to do something today!Marlene is trying to get another “Mega Shipment” (5,000 cookies) on their way Memorial Day which does not give her too much time. She looks forward to making that deadline, but if not she will shoot for July 4th. It takes almost $10,000.00 for each shipment. We should also clarify that the project has been approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Non Profit Project.
KTRH 740 News- June 20, 2011
AMEN - 10K 2024 Cana Got Our Cards
10K 2024 - Grammy Cookie Convoy Interview
10K 2024 Cana Full Interview
Voyage Houston - Conversations with Marlene Summers
10K 2024 - Grammy's Marlene on Counting Day
ABC 13
A Montgomery charity is holding its first golf tournament to raise money to send cookies to troops deployed overseas.
One local woman is doing her part to make Valentine’s Day a little sweeter for those who are fighting for our country.
Conroe Courier

Special shout out to Bentwater’s own Marlene Summers and her Grammy’s Cookie Convoy. Many already know about this because you played in her tournament but, for those who didn’t, you might take a bit of pride in knowing that Bentwater essentially took over Wood Forest Golf Course last week in, what has been described by participants, one of the best golf fundraisers ever. Great causes often begin one-on-one and so it was with Grammy’s Cookie Convoy.
Middle Schoolers From Montgomery Boost Cookie Convoy
A group of Montgomery students learning about world geography have made a special connection from their study of the Middle East – and have been rewarded with a sense of patriotic pride and sweet treats.Montgomery Middle School students in Chris Corson’s social studies class are participating in a community wide effort to send personal notes of encouragement and support – along with cookies – to U.S. military personnel serving in war zones overseas.“Studying faraway places and cultures is more engaging for the students when they have a personal connection,” said Corson, who teaches sixth-grade students participating in the project at MMS. “It goes beyond instructional, providing a greater learning experience about the world.”To date, Grammy’s Cookie Convoy project has shipped more than 105,000 cookies to active-duty military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program, started in 2005 by Bentwater resident Marlene Summers, operates solely by donations and volunteer support.
ABC News Interview
ABC News interviewed Marlene Summers as her non-profit organization is looking to send over a million chocolate chip cookies to our troops overseas. Help Marlene and donate for a great cause today!
ABC News - June 23, 2009
KPRC Houston Local 2 News
Local 2 News Houston followed up with Marlene Summers to learn even more about what the Troops Project and Grammy’s Cookie Convoy, Inc. is all about. The Troops Project needs your help in making it’s shipments possible. Donate or volunteer today and let our troops know how much we support them and enjoy our everyday freedoms they make possible.

KPRC Houston - Feb 20, 2011
East Montgomery News
Grammy’s Cookie Convoy, a program that sends chocolate chip cookies and personalized notes of encouragement to American servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, is looking for help in sending the next batch of 5,000 cookies overseas.“Everyone appreciates being remembered with something sweet on Valentine’s Day,” said Marlene Summers, founder of the Montgomery County nonprofit group. “It’s important to let our troops know we care.”Volunteers will assemble from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 5 at the Bentwater Yacht Club to box cookies, complete customs forms and prepare handwritten notes of encouragement and support for military personnel serving overseas.
Jefferson Award
Marlene Summers was awarded the Jefferson Award for supporting our troops and sending over 90,000 chocolate chip cookies to date. Marlene Summers’ goal used to be to send 100,000 cookies. She has recently changed that goal as she wants to make sure every serviceman and servicewoman receives her cookies. Her ultimate goal is for Grammy’s Cookie Convoy to cease because all of the troops have come home.

Local 2 News- June 20, 2013
Great Day Houston
Houston, TX- We show you how to help your military family feel a little closer to home.

Great Day Houston - July 05, 2013
KPRC Houston Morning News
After receiving the Jefferson Award, Local 2 News Houston followed up with Marlene Summers to learn even more about what the Troops Project and Grammy’s Cookie Convoy, Inc. is all about. The Troops Project needs your help in making it’s Memorial Day shipment possible. Donate today and let our troops know how much we support them and enjoy our everyday freedoms they make possible.

Local 2 News - August 20, 2013
KSBJ Radio Station
Morning show interview on KSBJ radio station
KSBJ Radio - June 20, 2013