What is our goal in the long run?

The ultimate goal for Grammy’s Cookie Convoy is that one day there will not be a need for this project, because all the Troops will be safely home.  Until that day arrives our efforts will remain on sending heartfelt thanks, and a little piece of home in the form of an American tradition to all the deployed Troops across the world.  The thought of trying to reach out and support all the Troops can be somewhat overwhelming, but that is an important role for this project. 

My Grammy taught me at a very young age that a great big “Chocolate Chip Hug” can bring a smile to your face, and make every day a whole lot better. Hopefully our project reaches the ultimate goal, but until that happens our efforts will continue.  Regardless, I hope the “Smiles and “Hugs” we share will continue to live forever in the hearts of all the American Heroes we have supported.

Marlene Summers

Founder - President

Sherry Miller

Vice President

Betsy Moore

Tournament Registration

Tammy Joyce

Special Projects Coordinator

Madison Frerking

Media Communications

"The “Chocolate Chip Hugs” we share represent something much larger than just satisfying one’s sweet tooth. It is our way of thanking the brave heroes who serve and protect a grateful nation."
